The Question of ethics behind Unemployed Professors
The modern world is filled with corruption, embezzlement and moral decadence, the lines between what is ethical and what is not is becomes blurred. Prevalence of unethical standards has popularized unethical practice at such high rates that unethical becomes normal.
The education system has not been left behind. Millennials on the internet use their phones on a daily bases to cheat on exams and get undeserved marks at every turn. The behavior of studying hard in order to get good grades seems such a backward practice nowadays that it is almost frowned upon.
That notwithstanding, there has risen a class of new techpreneurs and business people who promise to do assignments, papers and essays for students at a fee. This can be attributed to the decreased standard of education. College professors work under the assumption that all their students are intellectuals who either have foreknowledge on the concepts being taught in school or will automatically gain understanding of it once the professors shed some light on it.
The question of whether this practice of professional essay-writing is ethical or not, relies on a lot of factors such as who is getting their assignment done and why they are doing so.
One such top tier professional writing assignment is Unemployed Professors. The company was set up in 2011 and has since grown in scale, staff and orders completed to the magnitude of almost hundreds of thousands of papers completed since then.
Is Unemployed Professors Ethical?
Not in the very least. But then again, is any other essay writing website considered ethical? Assignments are meant to increase the students’ understanding on a concept covered in class. It also leads them to understand more in relation to the topic after they carry out the research that is required in order to complete the given assignments.
However, the business of essay writing has been running for years now. Professors, parents and stakeholders in the education sector have raised eyebrows over the practice but no one seems to be doing anything about it. This must mean that they consider the practice a kind of fix to the broken system. If this does not make it ethical, then the education system in itself has become unethical.
When is essay writing considered ethical?
Even though by face value, essay writing sounds anything but ethical, some situations may lead to it being ethical.
An example is an expectant student whose obstinate professor refuses to extend the deadline to a paper even though the student may have other pressing obligations. Such student may be pressed to alternative means to make sure that the paper is done.
Moreover, a foreign student who needs to tender a paper or an application but is faced by the language barrier may also be forced to go the unethical route. If essay-writing is considered a necessary evil, then it is in some way, ethical. Unemployed Professors considers these cases and offers them services such as admission essay writing and scholarship essay writing services. They also write resumes for these and people with similar shortcomings.
Even though the ethics of services such as Unemployed Professors is under serious ethics question, it helps create employment opportunities for the huge number or jobless graduates. It also helps students maintain good grades in the cut-throat competition in the academic world. In a way, they are an unnecessary evil.